Named after New York City's elevated High Line Park, HiLine Coffee espouses the city's spirit in its brand and product line. The wordmark is inspired by a walk through New York — each neighborhood looks and feels completely different. You can cross the street and be enveloped by a whole new atmostphere; the eclectic and rapid change feels uniquely New York, and we wanted to evoke that feeling with typography. The HiLine coffee blends are named after different NYC neighborhoods, so we created personas for each and brought them to life in a photography shoot for the website. There's the Broadway darling, the Brooklyn mama, the Wall Street executive, and the Soho sophisticate; touches of the flavors exist throughout each image, like a walnut tabletop (and walnut necklace!), mints, candy, and fruit.
Branding, Web Design, Art Direction, Photography
Creative Direction
Collin Cummings
Jana Laidlaw
Photography Art Direction
Linsey Laidlaw
Prop Styling
Randi Brookman Harris
Stephen Johnson